Saturday, June 14, 2014

 BabyName Ticker Baby Preston is on his way..well in a given amount of time. A lot of changes have happened in 2014. We moved into our new house, Parker started preschool, I got pregnant, Nate got an amazing dream job, my little brother was diagnosed with a type of cancer, I got transferred back to my old elementary school, which is great news, Parker had tubes put in his ears, and now it is summer and I finally get some rest. My pregnancy is going well. I am healthy, but large and in charge. I look like I am about to go into labor. I have been advised to stay off my feet, which who has time for that with a 3 1/2 year old BOY? I am starting to get swollen from the heat....which sucks! Been here before, so this is nothing new. Luckily I have a great husband that helps me with things. I am eager to meet my little "Sunshine", but not ready for him to come out yet....I still got it in me to keep going. I am excited to have another little boy. Though boys are said to be tough when they are younger, I agree......I love that "hopefully" the boys will be easier as time goes on. At first I was worried about having two boys. I was worried about people favoring Parker or comparing the two boys. Nate put me at ease by letting me know that "we" can control that if need be. Then I got worried about loving a child as much as I love Parker. I mean, I love Parker with every ounce of my soul. Parker is my first born, my trial and error, my little man, we grew could I have those feelings with Preston? I have been assured that is will be different, but that my love for Preston will be to the same scale as Parker. I know I worry, but things are different. When I was pregnant with Parker I would journal, talk to Parker all day, rest, and really focus on the baby growing in me. Now, I rarely rest, read, journal, or anything like that. I guess it is different with a 3 1/2 year old and being pregnant. We are preparing Parker for the new baby and the way it will be with Preston. I mean I do have another child, job, and lots of life going on around me. So Parker is going from almost 4 years of being the center of our world to sharing our attention and time, this should be interesting. Parker will be a great brother. He loves to kiss and talk to my belly. Funniest thing, we told him that Preston will drink milk and how he will drink it from mommy...he literally cracks up when we talk about it. He just thinks it is so funny; I guess he doesn't remember me feeding him for about a year like that. Parker also thinks Preston pooping and peeing in a diaper is "disgusting" even though he has only been potty trained for like little more than a year. So here we go....I am going to be a mommy to two boys. Two boys I will love, teach, and show them how to love God and love people. I will not be perfect, but that is okay. I will try my best. I will be praying for my boys future wives, that they are women of faith, integrity, and that I get along with them really well. Here is to my future as a mom and wife. I feel blessed to have all these boys love me. May the Lord guide, teach, and love me along the way. CHEERS! xoxo

Friday, February 21, 2014

Life these days.......

Its been a while. This past 9 months has been full of LIFE. I graduated with my masters, which had always been a dream of mine. I thought I would want to get my doctrine, but "nah". This past school year, I have transfered schools from Troth Street Elementary to Pacific Avenue Elementary. I moved from 4th grade to 5th, which is completely different. This school year, my distrcit, has been implementing Common Core Math, which is a lot of work. I love where I am at and great things have happened. God always has my best interest, I need to remember this. These past nine months, Nate and I were trying to have a baby. I wasn't getting pregnant. It all started to become too much and too task orinetated for us. Time past, Parker turned 3, he joined preschool (big boy) and then I found out I was pregnant (Thank goodness for good old fun in Vegas lol). Nate and I recently moved to a home that fits the needs of our growing family. We love it. We are renting it because we are not sure where we want to settle in the next couple of years. So now, I am in my second trimester. I am really hoping that I get some energy back lol. I am so poor husband. Nate is having to take on so much as I pass out about 730 daily. I really feel bad, but I am so thankful for my man. He takes care of Parker, the dogs, the house, dinner, and me. Hey.....I work and am taking care of this baby and myself (I am not completely lazy). The baby and I: I really miss coffee. I love my coffee and tea. I know, I could drink it, but I wait until I am further along to start drinking the caffine. Counting the days...literally. I have been not able to eat after 3pm.....I get sick. Good news, I can eat in the morning until noon. =) My belly popped out the day I found out I was crazy. I feel good. Just taking it day-by-day. The family and I have been sick with this super cold lately. We are just now getting better. It has been a bummer. Other than that, that family and I have been going through changes after changes and are doing well. I love my family.....all of them. I am learning to cope with change, since I have never been a fan of change. God has really blessed us. We are not perfect and we have been through many trials, but I am grateful for where we are today. God has answered many prayers. I love those in my life and am so grateful for those I call friends. Much love to all. May God bless you and your family.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

My First Love

I have discovered, life is not perfect. Sounds simple, right? For me I like life to be all that I imagined it to be. I have goals, ambition, and drive....I make things happen. I am not trying to be silly or think that I am "all that" but this is truth. However, meeting Nate, being married to Nate, and living in a cohesive relationship with Nate has rocked me (don't be dirty). Nate has really help me to be less selfish (though he might say different), to relax, and to not stress over "things". For those that know us you all know we have had good times and not so good of times. However, I have come to realize Nate is "perfect" for me. Yes, he drives me crazy and often we are opposites in our thoughts. However, I never needed a guy who told me "yes" to everything (most things yes). I never need a boy who rolled over or jumped when I said to. I needed someone, though I hate to admit this, that put me in my place from time to time. Most of all I needed someone who loved me for me. I needed someone, like Nate, who loved me for my selfishness, my temper, for my wanting things one way (my way), and for loving me for all the between. Don't get me wrong, I got a lot to offer as well =) lol. Nate makes me want to give more, love more, forgive often, be non-judgmental, and laugh more. He inspires me to not think as much and just be random (though my random is still planning a bit). I love Nate. I love him more when I see photos like this.... He is the best daddy. He loves our son so much. He would literally do anything for Parker and I. I appreciate how hard he works, and how much he does for Parker and I. The picture above makes me fall more in love with Nate. Nathan, I love you. Through all we have been through.....I love you today now more than ever. You are my best friend and soul mate. You are all mine....FOREVER (evil voice and laugh). Muah x0x0

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Enjoy the Seasons

Something I never have appreciated in life was the 4 seasons (as in Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall). Every season seemed long but in reality it was just about 3 months. I love Winter, but towards then end I complain it's too cold. I have always thought Spring was neat, not just because it is the season that holds my birthday, because of all the beauty that grows from the previous seasons rains (storms). Summer has always been the season I have the most fun. There is tons to do in the Summer, it is warm, and people are generally happy. Fall marks the season of what once was flourishing is now drifting away. The season cycle is endless, expected, loved, hated, and most of all how we live out our lives. When it comes to Parker he is full of seasons. Some of his seasons come and go too fast. He, in his short 2 years, has gone through many seasons. Seasons where he loves YO-GABBA GABBA, Toy Story, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse...... avocados, milk, pears, and currently juice. He wants only mommy, to now all about Daddy. To sleeps well though the night to late night nightmares. To sweet and a great listener to "No, mommy" and many time-outs. I sometimes find myself frustrated at the season I am faced with, but when I actually stop I know, "That this too shall pass". Somethings in life I do not want to pass, and something I have experienced in life that I want to pass in the blink of an eyes. I recently had a birthday, yesterday, and each year I like to reflect on life. In the last year my little man has grown tremendously. He doesn't drink out of a bottle, he doesn't wear a diaper, and he doesn't need me for everything. I am learning to let go and let him be more independent, which is just the beginning. I can feel the separation between us, I know it is normal, but as his mom it hurts. However, with that change a new season has began with him being super fun, silly, and full of charisma. I am trying to step back and enjoy all this new season brings me with Parker (the good, bad, and the ugly). Gosh! I love that little boy. There is also season in other areas of our lives like in work. Some seasons I feel inspired, some season I wonder why I teach, and some season I go M.I.A. Recently I am in a season, at work, where I am trying to have fun with my job and love each student for who they are. However, I have little seasonal changes within my season, when I want to quit my job or not work at all. I have been trying to have perspective at work and today I was given some. I was reminded, through the eyes of a child, why I teach at the school I do. I was reminded why God placed me where he has. I was reminded to have a heart, pray, and give what I can to touch that child's heart. I was reminded my job isn't just a job, it's my chance to use my gifts that God has blessed me with. I would love to announce that my season on schooling for me is coming to an end. I will not longer be a student, always a life student, where I have homework, quizzes, test, and the dreadful THESIS paper. I would love to say I will never go through a season like this again, but like I mentioned.....the season cycle comes and goes. In my marriage I have had seasons. Some I love, some I liked, and some I wasn't a big fan of. With that said you can have season where no matter the season love is there. I think marriage is hard, no doubt. I have know, that in the 3 1/2 years I have been married that the only consistent thing in my marriage is God. God has been my rock, refuge, strength, leader, and protector. Without God, who knows where I would be. I do thank God for bring me Nate. Nate is what I have needed. Love him until death, literally, and I am thankful for his love and support. He is an amazing father. I am grateful for his hard work, and drive. He has the best ambition to support his family. He is sensitive, funny, caring, and has a heart of gold. He inspires me to want to help others the way he is always willing to. Love ya kid, though sometimes I want to........ I can close my eyes and reflect on the last year, year 31 for me. There have been so many seasons.....the consistent support, love, and strength has come only from God. Though I have a supportive husband, parents, brothers, and family. I am excited for year 32 has for me. My last 31 years have been full of seasons, some I wish I would have enjoyed more. I think I need to stop, enjoy my seasons for what they are............

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Potty Time

Today is DAY 1 of Parker being potty trained. He did well. We are doing the 3 day method with no diapers or pull ups. We are going just underwear all day everyday. Parker has had a lot of accidents today. I am tired. I am literally following Parker around (his shadow) trying to see signs, catch him in the act, or remind him to "tell mommy". I am mentally and physically pooped. I am not looking forward to 2 more days of this. But then I think of that precious boy and being able to teach him makes me gain perspective. Looking at these pictures give me a different perspective. This little boy has been the joy of my last two years. He has grown so much. I still remember bringing him home from the hospital. This is a HUGE stepping stone for Parker. I am going to choose to make the next two days all about spending time with my little baby boy. About building him up, teaching him, and making memories. =)

Friday, January 25, 2013

A Year at a Glance (2012)

WOW! I just realized that I have not blogged in almost a year. Some much to cover. Nate: He is the best father. He takes so much time with Parker to love, play, help, guide, and be a FATHER. He is the best daddy I could ask for. He is literally a partner with me in raising our son. Nate works so hard to provide for our family. He has grown so much this past year to be someone I am proud to call my husband. He does what he can to make sure we are happy. He currently has a new business he just started a few months back, which is going well. He also is working with a great company. He is doing well and I am proud of him. Parker: He is now 2 (26 months) and is the funniest kid ever! He has the best personality. He literally is Nate and I's pride and joy. From his smile, laugh, joking, and silliness he is just adorable. My favorites about him are: his smile, his laugh, when he prays, when he says "mommy, mommy", his love for BUZZ and WOODY, his love for food, when he tries to ride Bella like a horse, his curiosity, and his gentle heart. He has a gentle spirit in him that loves praise, and touch. I love that we pray with him every night, and I sing him songs ("Amazing Grace" is a favorite)while I rock him before bed. This may sound weird but when I rock him I love to hear his breath and the sucking of his fingers (lol sounds lame but some out there get it). I enjoy every minute with my boy. He stays with his OMA while mommy and daddy are at work. Oma is the best, couldn't do it without her. Parker loves his OMA and PAPA Valeriano and his Grandma and PAPA Kincaid, as well as TIA D, Uncle Jo JO, SIAH (Josiah), REESE, ASHHOLE (Asher), and SLEY (Eisley); Aunt Dani, Uncle NANIEL (Daniel), and great grandparents. He is starting to "miss" people. He is becoming a little human, which sounds crazy but until now he was just a eating, sleeping, and playing little a little human with a personality of his own. I only pray that God teaches Nate and I to love who he is and to help him grow into his own. I feel so blessed to have Parker as my son. I cannot imagine life without him. Now, life is not all peaches and cream....he is starting to say "NO!" or throw fits now and then....but overall he is a pretty amazing kid (THANKS BABYWISE!). He sleeps 12 hours and naps 2-2 1/2, and eats great. We feel lucky and blessed. Parker loves music. He loves to dance. We currently enrolled him in "Kindermusik" which is a great music class for toddlers. This class has taught him to be more social and expressive. Favorite movies of Parker: "Mickeys Once Upon a Time", "Meet the Robinsons", and "Toy Story 1". He loves Mickey, Buzz, and Woody (his action figurines (dolls)). Parker also loves to color. He is very creative. My little boy has so much energy, and he is keeping Nate and I busy.....this is amazing. Kelly (Me): I am in my 6th year teaching. I teach 4th grade and love it, though there are days I wonder why I teach (or moments). I decided to finish my Masters this year. I graduate in May 2013 (YAY!!). This has kept me busy, and without a social life.
This has been a goal of mine since I was young (feels great). Writing my THESIS is a lot of work but Nate is very supportive (thanks babe). A big part of my life has changed over the year. I find myself wanting to be with my husband and son all the time.........which is hard to understand for some (maybe?). I love my little family and want to take in every minute with them. Life isn't perfect, but it is my life, my family, and I am LOVING it! Here is to a great year full of LOVE, LAUGHS, SMILES, and BLESSINGS! Thank you Lord for being my continual rock, support, joy, and strength. The Lord is my everything, I feel so blessed.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

My One and Only Love

I am learning that the Lord is my strength. Without the Lord I am nothing. I am starting to come into my skin. I am starting to love who I am and what I have. This doesn't mean I am trying to be complacent in my life, but to continue to strive to be the best me and more like Christ.
As a women, I go through my ups and downs about my looks, body size, and my moods, poor Nate. Lucky I have a husband who accepts me for me. Never in my life, have I had someone who accepts me for who I truly am. Nate knows who I am and still loves me. He often says that he learned who I "truly" am the day we got back from our honeymoon. I think that it took me so long to be "me" because in the past who I am or was had never been "good enough" or "right".
I am very thankful to be married to Nate. Our relationship isn't perfect, but it doesn't have to be. I heard a quote the other day that said, "Marriage isn't about marrying the 'perfect' person, but about being the perfect person". This quote is so true. There is no "ideal" relationship, besides "Adam and Eve's".
I just want to say this, "I love you Nate, through thick and thin. Thank you for being supportive, teaching me to relax, teaching me to laugh at life, and teaching me about me. I love you forever."